He hui mo nga kaupapa tieki whenua o te Tairawhiti. 8-9 Noema 2018, Ngata Memorial College, Ruatorea.
Do we have erosion prone areas and what are our treatment options? Are we resilient to climate change? Is our landuse carbon zero? What is the quality of our water? Can we drink it? Swim in it? Do we have sufficient water supply in a drought? Do we support local livelihoods? Might our land-use decisions protect or impact on infrastructure? What emerging industries do we want to be a part of? Are our governance and management arrangements ready for opportunities? What are innovative ways that we return real benefits to our owners?
On 8 November 2018, we were part of a hui for kaitiaki and landowners in Te Tairawhiti. It was designed to promote, share and learn about integrated sustainable landuse and decision-making tools and approaches. “Like the forest” this hui promoted land-use cover and a collaborative and co-operative approach to better understanding the risks and optimising the benefits of our governance (including management) arrangements and chosen land-use/s.
We hope the hui provided further direction to landowners at or prior to making land-use changes (e.g post-harvest exotic forestry) and helped identify how other landowners have approached their aspirations-led development.
The presentation on native forests and the Emissions Trading Scheme, including understanding the carbon economy, eligibility of land, signing up to the ETS and claiming and selling carbon from this hui is now available here.